Sunday, 26 June 2022

week 9 term 2 2022


On Thursday we are celebrating our Matariki Cultural Dinner as a school. You are all welcome to join in this busy and fun filled evening. Bring a plate of food to share - many families choose to share a dish from their own culture but this is optional.

On Friday morning (since you will all be running a little late after an exciting dinner at school) Room 12 and Room 14 are putting out the toasters and turning on the jug for breakfast. You are welcome to come and have toast and a cuppa with us and have a look at some of the learning that we have done this term - and/or just have a friendly chat. (The kids are writing invitations this week so this is your heads up). The classroom doors will be open 8:30 - 10:45am. We will also be having a shared morning tea to celebrate - we are half way through the year and have really grown. If you are able, can you please, bring a small plate of mornig tea food to share with our Year 4 Crew. 

This week:

Mon: Library



Thurs: Matariki Dinner

          Kapa Haka

Frid: Celebration morning (Room 12-14)

Learning this week:

Literacy: Finish writing our Matariki reports. There will be loads of articles etc in the news over the next few days. You could do a little extra reading to gather some missing information for your report.

Maths: We're going to focus on basic facts. We need to be able to use this knowledge in different ways in stage 5 and 6 so playing games with numbers is the best way to practice these facts. We'll learn some new games that we can play at home over the holiday break.

RE: We'll finish a little left over work on the 'I am' statements then move into Matariki - we'll look at the messages in the Matariki celebration and stories and think about how we can live good lives based on these messages. There are some beautiful prayers and readings that have similar messages.


Other messages

Reading Logs will be coming home for the school holidays. I suggest leaving them on a bedside table or in the chromebook case so they don't get lost. Any paper will do but sometimes the kids panic when they can't find the one we gave them. Remember that reading is broad - recipes, instructions, books, newspaper articles, stories read to the kids and subtitles on a movie all count as reading. We'll get a few good books in our library visit next week to kick start the reading. 

A few of our School Enviro Leaders are trying to revive the schools worm farm = less mess in the lunchboxes and more compost for the schools gardens. On a side note: It's great to see so many lunchboxes that are already rubbish free and filled with good healthy brain food. Thank you.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Week 8 Term 2 2022

The middle of the year is often when teachers start to reflect on how things are going and where to for the next 6 months - quite fitting that this coincides with Matariki. One of the things that has been really standing out for me is how much Room 14 kids have grown in confidence and how strong they are as a team. I am really proud of the way these kids are so willing to try new things and offer their help to others. They are a brilliant little group of people and, 6 months in, I still feel so lucky to be part of this great team.

Learning this week:
Mathematics: we are continuing with multiplication and doing some review work to make sure that we prevent old skills and knowledge from getting rusty.
Literacy: we will be looking at how reports are written and will start to write reports about some of our Matariki learning.
RE: We are continuing with the "I am..." statements. This week we also celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There is a mass on Thursday. 

Lake View Golf tournament



Sacred Heart mass

Friday: Matariki Day
There are loads of community events to get involved in - have a great day.

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Week 7 T2 2022

There are lots of exciting things happening in Week 7. We have a liturgy to lead, some kids are off to interschool cross country, Aidan and James are in the Talent Show finals and there's going to be a big announcement at assembly on Friday - I wonder what it could be? 

With all the mud, puddles and wet grass even more of the kids are choosing to take their shoes off while in class. They are welcome to bring a spare/dry named pair of socks to wear inside. We've also been keeping our water bottles beside us to stay hydrated in our cosy classroom. It's really warm in our thermally heated room but the water fountain is out in the rain - it makes sense to keep bringing a water bottle, please. We also have our toasters up and running in the mornings. We are learning a lot about cutting loaves of bread, spreading toppings and doing the dishes!!

(This is where the photos are supposed to go but the tech guy has my laptop with the photos on it) 

This week:
Talent Show Finals 9:15am - we'll be going to support our Aidan and James A

Inter-school Cross Country (children involved will have had a letter)
Good luck team!


Kapa Haka
Matariki Liturgy (led by Year3-4)

Lachlan Popata will be Principal for the day (raffle winner)
Big announcement
Roller skating

Learning this week:
Maths: we are continuing exploring multiplication and how it works. Skip counting, doubles and knowing tens and ones in a 2 digit number are really helpful pieces of quick knowledge for our work this week.

Literacy: we are exploring how authors write to hook their readers. Wow words, interesting sentences and even punctuation make a difference. You could look at books at home and find interesting words, see how the author uses long and short sentences and see if you can spot a simile or a metaphor.

RE: "I am the Light". We will be talking about how Jesus talks about light and what it all means. We are also leading the Matariki liturgy this week so there'll be a bit of learning around this, too. 

Happy Birthday 
Anthony and Isabella!

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Week 6 term 2 2022

 We had a great Teachers Only Day today.  Teachers from 5 Catholic schools came together to share ideas, build relationships between our schools and learn together. We'll be seeing quite a few of the ideas we picked up in our teaching and learning during the coming weeks.

We know it's not always easy, so thank you for making other arrangements for the kids today. Your support is appreciated.

The rest of the week...


Thursday: Kapa Haka

Friday: Pasifika and choir

Nice and easy, eh?

Thursday, 2 June 2022

cross country

 Hopefully, you all got your app notification and know that the Cross Country has been postponed.  We're a little disappointed but, since we all shrieked just running in the rain from the hall to the classroom, it's probably a good call. 


Tomorrow afternoon we will walk up the road to Arawa Racecourse and run our cross country there. The weather looks much more hopeful. If you are free, you are welcome to join us but we know that many of you had to rearrange your lives for today - sorry it didn't work out.  


- we have mass tomorrow PLEASE wear your correct school uniform to school (no nail polish, jewelry...)

- bring your sports gear in a bag to change into at lunchtime