Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Holy Week - The Last Supper

 This week we are celebrating Holy week.  Mrs T came up with some different challenges to make us think about the Holy Week stories. 

On Monday we had to get in our iPad groups and make a stop motion movie of the Palm Sunday story. We've discovered that learning the story, planning the shots and organising the characters BEFORE we start shooting is a good idea. We'll share these to educa as soon as we organise ourselves and finish them. 

Today we focused on the Last Supper. We looked at the painting of the Last Supper by Da Vinci. We watched a video that talked about all of the hidden messages in the art - Jesus is reaching for the bread and wine = the bread and wine of Eucharist, Jesus and Judas are reaching for the same bowl and Judas is holding a small money bag, the apostles look shocked because Jesus has just told them that someone will betray him... Who knew that there was so much storytelling in one picture? Our challenge today was to replicate the Last Supper with a photo.  Here is a picture of the painting and our iPad photos - we bet you can hardly tell the difference!

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Week 11 Term1 2022

Well, that term went fast! Term 1 has been quite the roller coaster - thanks to covid. Masks and attendance have been ‘fun’ to manage and we’ve become quite skilled at catching papers when sudden gusts of wind blast through our open doors and windows (good for eye-hand coordination, right?). 

I must say that the kids have been incredible! I love watching the way they all support each other's learning (and mine). They are wonderful at sharing their knowledge and talents with their classmates and I don’t think I have seen anyone turn down a request for help. They have also been very patient with me and turn up every day with the biggest smiles and positive attitudes - you make my job an absolute joy Room 14. We have had quite a few relief teachers this term and every single teacher has commented about how kind, polite and helpful Room 14 are.

Thank you, team. I am a very proud teacher.

This Weeks Learning

Literacy: Report Writing - we will be finishing our reports about animals. We have been very excited about our research and we are looking forward to putting it all together in a report.

Numeracy: We are continuing to build our knowledge of place value. We will also look at how we can collect, sort, display and analyse information (statistics). We are stepping it up a little every week. 

Religious Education: Holy Week. We will be doing lots of work based around the Holy Week stories. 

We Are Swimming This Week

Mon: Library


Wed: "Phew! We made it through Term 1" party.

Thurs: Moving day

Washing of the feet liturgy

Kapa Haka

Fri: Good Friday

"Phew! We made it through Term 1" party

We decided that we needed to celebrate the end of term with a class party. The kids completed some statistical investigations about what we should do and eat. I will organise the cake and the activities but if families are able to provide a small (healthy-ish) plate of food to share with the class that would be great. We were going to do all of the catering etc at school BUT we have to pack everything up and move it into the hall this week. We are getting new carpet during the holidays!

Thanks for all of your kindness and support this term.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

Photography Competition

Competition details.              Link to SPCA Photography Page

Room 14 kids are pretty interested in animals. We are writing reports about animals this week and they are buzzing with their discoveries, questions and interesting facts. 

The SPCA is running a photography competition that some of our mini biologists, vets and artists might be interested in. 

The details are linked above and the competition closes 25th April. It might be something that the kids would like to have a go at during the holidays.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Week 10!

 A big thank you to Mrs. Hunter, Mrs Dunkley and Mrs Bishop who held the fort last week while Mrs D looked after her lovely family and Mrs T was on a course. All three of these lovely ladies said that the Year 4 team were absolutely gorgeous and really kind and welcoming. Thank you Room 12 and 14 - we are so proud of you.

Congratulations to Zique who became a big sister to the newest member of her family. Congratulations to our AquaBot team has become the New Zealand Champs. Macklyn Smart, Jo Gentle and Sean Keeling won the regionals last year and last weekend won the N.Z. Championship well-done boys.

Congratulations also go to Mac, Elijah, Vedik and Braxton. These four boys all won our Wonder awards last week. They are four very curious and creative learners - keep it up boys. This week we are going to combine all our values and are looking for someone who shows all four values.

C.(Courage) R.(Respect) E.(Excellence)W.(Wonder)

This Weeks Learning

Literacy: Report writing - we are going to have a real focus on sentence structure and the introduction of paragraphs.

Numeracy: We are continuing to build our knowledge of place value. with a focus on rounding numbers. You can help out at home will asking your tamariki to round. Remember that 5 is the magic number when rounding to the nearest 10 and 50 when rounding to the nearest 100 and 500 when rounding to the nearest 1000.

Religious Education: WALT demonstrates an understanding of Palm Sunday as an event in Holy Week and recalls the symbols and rituals which remind us of Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem. 

WALT -That Holy Week is the most important week in Jesus’ life and it is also the most important week for his followers to remember and celebrate.

No Swimming until week 11.

Mon: Library



Thurs: Thursday at 10 am is the Stations of the Cross.

Fri: Roller skating at lunchtime,

     Golden Time House Tug of War  Your child can bring clothes in house colours to wear for this event.